I’d like to share with you a truly innovative PbtA game inspired by Vampire the masquerade, about to be kickstarted.

I’d like to share with you a truly innovative PbtA game inspired by Vampire the masquerade, about to be kickstarted.

I’d like to share with you a truly innovative PbtA game inspired by Vampire the masquerade, about to be kickstarted. It’s ‘try before you buy’ so it’s really worth a visit 🙂

Originally shared by Paul Riddle

Undying will Kickstart next week!

(Publicly shareable post)



10 thoughts on “I’d like to share with you a truly innovative PbtA game inspired by Vampire the masquerade, about to be kickstarted.”

  1. Im sending the link to everyone! Very excited. I love to hack things and when you find elegant game design you learn a lot! I love vampire stories (and urban fantasy) but I have no time to invest in inefficient games like vampire: the requiem for example (tons of work needed to making work this game) With undying I think that I can play exctaly the kind of story that iI am expecting to play. Thank you!

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