I’ve got another question (very prolific night tonight!) about armor :
What do you think should be the maximum amount of protection a character should have? As I understand at character creation, one can choose 1pt of armor that he could add to another even to a third point if he’s for example a Veteran or a Leader to a total of 3.
So to your mind is it like a very heavy armor? If so can the character still get a shield to a total of 4 and what would be the drawbacks to be a living human tank?
Or is he limited to a cap of 3?
There a ‘simpler’ explanation but perhaps it’s unclear in the manual. As for the other question I’d like to hear from other GMs how they ruled about armor at character creation. I am afraid the manual might need some better explanation there.
Gregory your questions are really good because they show where I should perhaps add some clarifications!
Haha don’t thank me but my players! They really have a knack for finding the soft spots of any -otherwise heavily armored – game mechanics!
Now, the explanation is this:
On page 62 there’s the list of avail. protections (light armor, heavy armor, shield – giving respectively 1armor, 2armor, 1armor). This is what’s avail. roughly – customization of course is allowed but the scores basically remain 1 or 2 for armor and another 1 for the shield.
Thus the max armor is 3: heavy armor plus shield.
In terms of character creation, page 96: every character gets “Armor worth 1 armor (light armor or shield), or 1 point of protection to accumulate with other protection points”.
So you cat take a light armor or a shield.
What if you want heavy armor? take 1 point of protection (half of the heavy armor, basically), and then in the next options, take another one.
Note that protection points require to be associated with a gear item, afterwards. So if you accumulate 2 protection points, you can take light armor and shield, or heavy armor.
If you accumulate 3 protection points, you must take heavy armor and shield. So in the 3 protection points you do not get a special heavy armor worth 3. Your heavy armor is still worth two and then you get a shield.
I hope this clarifies. Do you think I should change something in the text on page 96?
There is also an example for a veteran doing exactly this: taking heavy armor and shield – but of course if it’s unclear I’ll try to outline the process a bit better!
Thanks for the useful feedback as always!
Yep this clarifies the matter. Absolutely. It´s just that I got a little confused about the “1 armor point to save for later option” at character creation.
Maybe, it´s just my own personnal view about it, it´s should stated to start with either a shield or a1pt armor you might increase later on during character creation with a cap of 2.? Again I don’t say it’s wrong the way the rules are now, only how I understood them at first!