Does Moderate Condition regard as two conditions(and Critical Condition as three condition) when I count Conditions…

Does Moderate Condition regard as two conditions(and Critical Condition as three condition) when I count Conditions…

Does Moderate Condition regard as two conditions(and Critical Condition as three condition) when I count Conditions Threshold of an enemy?

And I found a typo in p.184.  (PDF) “…Here’s an example Heavy Hitter.” It is an example Punching Bag, isn’t it?

2 thoughts on “Does Moderate Condition regard as two conditions(and Critical Condition as three condition) when I count Conditions…”

  1. You need to download the updated PDF if your copy still has that typo. If you re-download it from DrivethruRPG you should be good to go.

    Any type of Condition only ever count as 1 towards a Condition Threshold of an enemy. The only difference between a Minor and a Critical one is the staying power. Minor Conditions are easy to shrug off (but if all the players can gang up on a villain by imposing a whole bunch of Minor Conditions, that’s enough to take them down), while Moderate ones will need a lot more fictional justification, and Critical ones are all put guaranteed to stay put.

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