Does Moderate Condition regard as two conditions(and Critical Condition as three condition) when I count Conditions Threshold of an enemy?
And I found a typo in p.184. (PDF) “…Here’s an example Heavy Hitter.” It is an example Punching Bag, isn’t it?
You need to download the updated PDF if your copy still has that typo. If you re-download it from DrivethruRPG you should be good to go.
Any type of Condition only ever count as 1 towards a Condition Threshold of an enemy. The only difference between a Minor and a Critical one is the staying power. Minor Conditions are easy to shrug off (but if all the players can gang up on a villain by imposing a whole bunch of Minor Conditions, that’s enough to take them down), while Moderate ones will need a lot more fictional justification, and Critical ones are all put guaranteed to stay put.
Kyle Simons I just downloaded the updated files. Thanks.