My game submission for Big Bad Con has been posted!

My game submission for Big Bad Con has been posted!

My game submission for Big Bad Con has been posted! I’m excited to run this one just to see how it turns out. I’ll be running it in AW “play to see what happens” style — I’ve got a mind map of awesome interconnected story hooks but no set story. And I can usually count on the awesome people who come to BBC to make whatever I throw at the players golden. After I run the game, I’ll post my Quick Start prep materials I’m creating for this setting… 

Dr. Singularity or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Psychic Maelstrom

Some blame the destruction of the Earth on skirmishes between failing nation states and hypercorps. Others blame the rogue AIs that swept forth in the chaos, crashing networks, releasing war machines and swarms of nanoplagues. And then there’s those crazy Kult of Kurzweil freaks who worship their destroyer/savior Dr. Singularity.

Decades have past since humanity’s downfall. Out in the solar system, a few remaining space colonies scrape by, cowering in fear from the Machines that strip asteroids and even entire moons and planets down to their core for raw material. On Earth, a few pockets of humanity struggle to survive in the few places left that aren’t biological or radioactive hot zones. The survivors look up at night, wary of autonomous war machines and ravenous nanostorms. They tell stories around campfires of what the Moon looked like before the Machines ate it and they wonder how long it’ll be before the creeping wall of blackness shrouds out all the stars.

The Singularity has passed Humankind by but hey you’re still here so you might as well make something of it.


This is an Apocalypse World game set in a post-singularity future based loosely on the setting of Eclipse Phase and Accelerando but where obviously humanity didn’t fair very well. In AW style, we’ll be playing to see what happens.

2 thoughts on “My game submission for Big Bad Con has been posted!”

  1. Patrick Scaffido: props for the title go to Nathan Black. I was having trouble coming up with a name and put it out there. A lot of good names were suggested by people but Nathan’s was great!

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