Quick question about the Spectre move “Won’t be ignored”. Is it imagined that the character would need to have manifested first, or is this the sort of thing where the ghost appears out of nowhere, scaring someone? Or is it really just up to us
Quick question about the Spectre move “Won’t be ignored”.
Quick question about the Spectre move “Won’t be ignored”.
Up to you! I’d imagine each ghost is a little different.
That could be an awesome time to rock out some non-rules ghost powers. I’d use it to get distended face, maybe some sort of visual effect related to how the ghost died, that kind of stuff.
Yeah, that’s totally what I was thinking it would be – in the end my Spectre didn’t end up picking the move, so it didn’t matter – yet.
Still, really cool move.
Yeah, I love the idea of that move.
The Spectre seems like it would be pretty easy to push aside and not have to pay attention to by other characters and that’s a move that REALLY lets you make sure that’s not going to happen. I’m all about the spectre taking back it’s control.
Definitely – I think my players are too used to working together, so he chose “Wall? What Wall?” which is a pretty great move too. I can’t wait to see some conflict between them all.
I actually think the Spectre may be the archetype that’ll be the most tricky to MC for. Going to bring up a lot more questions – actually, I think I’ll post one now
I’m just chomping at the bit to get a chance to play and the Spectre will be my choice.
Wall? What Wall? is also really awesome. I’m having a slight problem that the Spectre specifically I’m just too much of a fan to talk about in a meaningful way.
I think that the Spectre could be pushed to have goals, just like any of the other players. Especially near the beginning, hitting the Spectre up with lots of questions to move things forward and give them goals could be the start. Just because they are dead, doesn’t mean they don’t have something they want! I also found Being Human was a really great piece of inspiration to see what the Spectre may want to be.
Probably a little harder if the Spectre is long-dead. Newly dead, you can work with. Long-dead you can only root through their pockets.
Yeah! That was actually the thing that started to look hard – my Spectre player is playing an artist who was poisoned by another artist back in 1979. The other artist is now famous.
Originally he wanted to know exactly who his killer was. I found it hard to figure out why, in 36 years (we’re playing in 2015) he hadn’t yet ruined his killer, since this was a big driving force.
The other part was he chose a link to his now almost 60 year old brother who didn’t have a lot of motivation to get out in the world and get into trouble.
In the end we shuffled it a bit – the Spectre thinks he knows who his killer is, but isn’t 100% sure, so isn’t willing to totally drive the guy insane. Instead he selfishly messes with him every so often, while trying to convince his brother to ‘create art’ that would get him on the map.
The other part we changed is that now the Spectre’s link isn’t to his brother, but his brother’s 16 year old son, who has a rebellious streak similar to his.
I think that will help, as well as his need to help struggling artists & street people like him when he was alive.
We’re also working with the idea that there are quite a few ghosts in Detroit (our setting), but that many aren’t aware – they just go about their ‘unlives’, either doing what they did in life and accidentally haunting people, or are driven by the thing that is holding them to this planet – rage at their death, coveting something, etc. Some eventually wake up out of that too, so I think that can make for some interesting stories. Also makes it easier to put him in a tough spot when the dice don’t go his way
Those sound like awesome ways to bring him back into the current world! Honestly, he’s likely having some struggle with the world being so very different from where it was; his connections to this mortal coil are passing. Was he truly dead before or does his REAL death start now that his existence is losing importance?
I like transferring some of the feelings to the 16 year old son as well, lots of chance to get the son mixed up in stuff and in danger!
I’d think it could also be fun to bring in a character from way back in his life as well. What if a groovy young thing he used to be into shows up? Is she a ghost? Kept alive by other nefarious means?
Another fun thing to start trying to ask may be what comes once he’s avenged his own death? Does he pass on? CAN he pass on? What if his killer is killed/punished, but not by him? What if his killer commits suicide? When he /can’t/ pass on what does his unlife become?
It’s funny trying to think of what may motivate a Spectre to do things (especially as his various life-lines begin to disappear) but interesting to pose a lot of the things that motivate living people.
I totally want to bring back an ex-girlfriend of his as a vampire or something equally devious – someone who can totally manipulate him and just really drive home what he lost. The hard part is when someone has been in the city the whole time, you have a hard time imagining they haven’t gone and checked on most of the people that were there in their lives. That’s sort of why I liked the ‘a lot of ghosts are mindless, but may eventually awaken’- but while he liked that in general, he didn’t like that in his characters case.
I figure I’ll just make it so she’s been out of town – and will sweep back in and cause him trouble
I was really glad he went for the idea of changing his link – the brother character wasn’t likely to get into a lot of trouble on his own, but a rebellious sixteen year old in a city like Detroit can have all sorts of fun. It also helps that the Fae in the group is from the “Court of Song” and isn’t a ton older than the kid.
I’m really not sure what will happen with when he finds out exactly who murdered him. It’s been so long that I’m having a hard time figuring out just how he’ll verify it, without forcing a confession from the guy himself – and why wouldn’t he have done that in the past 36 years?
What if the reason she wasn’t in the city during this past time is that she got up to something horrific as soon as she was turned? Believed to be dead, accidentally ate someone dear to her, maybe even faked her burial (vampires don’t breathe!). Alternately, perhaps she disappeared from town when her dear friend Spectre originally died because it was too much for her! That would allow some hooks that maybe she was involved! Or maybe she knows things!
Hmm… That’s quite true. Getting it to line up properly could be a difficult thing. Perhaps some kind of Immortal who has been behind the scenes not allowing it to happen for his own Power related reasons?
Yeah, we’re working through it – my players tend to come up with really elaborate backgrounds that end up leaving the story feeling like it’s at it’s very end, which can be a little difficult, especially when you’re ‘playing to find out what happens’.
I’m totally going to mix in some of these ideas about the girlfriend if it ever comes up
So many cool moves that could be used to bring it around.
I can totally see him in a scene, screwing up a roll, and catching a glimpse of her across a busy street – then she’s gone
If they’re at the end of their story, perhaps everything they’ve worked so hard to get should start to crumble!
Exaactly with that soft move! Throw it in as a little thing that he’s like, ‘Buwuh?! Did that happen?” Then hopefully HE will start following that and BOOM. Proactive player who will move things along in terms of figuring out what is going to happen. Maybe even not making it clear at first how she’s around. Just about every Faction other than Mortal has a super easy way to have kept her not only present but more or less recognizable and un-scarified looking.