So what’s your favorite, lesser known starship name? We all know the Enterprise and Serenity and such, but there are so many really awesome (and really silly) names out there.
My personal favorite at the moment is The Righteous Indignation, the starship of Bucky O’Hare
The Scurrilous Invertebrate, from the Albedo RPG (2nd Ed)
The “Mistake Not…”
The Mistake Not… is of indeterminate ship type and class; it identifies itself as Ue, for Unit (eccentric/erratic). Its full name, which is a private joke amongst other Culture Minds and almost never used, is the Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath
Aww, Bucky O’Hare, that takes me back. The Culture has a lot of great ship names too.
Another +1 for the Righteous Indignation!
How about the NSEA Protector. I also kind of liked the simplicity of Discovery from 2001. The Halo series has some pretty cool ship names:
UNSC Pillar of Autumn
UNSC Euclid’s Anvil
UNSC Say My Name
UNSC The Heart of Midlothian
And so on. Quite poetic for a quasi-military dictatorship.
Well, not so unknown, but I have a soft spot for the “Event Horizon” starship
Anything from Babylon 5…
I like a lot of the ship names in Schlock Mercenary. Serial Peacemaker is a particular favorite.
I like the Massive from Invader Zim…
but really the Streaker from the Uplift War sounds intiguing
Technically a jet-powered airship rather than a starship, but the “Delerium Trigger” from Chris Wooding’s Ketty Jay series always struck me as a fantastic pirate ship name.
Don’t Try This at Home, Fate Amenable to Change, Ethics Gradient, Smile Tolerantly, Nuisance Value, Frank Exchange of Views and the Refreshingly Unconcerned With the Vulgar Exigencies of Veracity – just some of the starships from Iain M Banks’ superb Culture novels (with attitudes to match).
The names are so good they even have their own wikipedia page:
EAS Agamemnon, Omega Class Destroyer