World Wide Wrestling Viewing Party
As a prelude to a season of World Wide Wrestling, I’m getting a bunch of my buddies to come together for a viewing party. This is mostly meant to be a Wrestling 101 kinda thing.
I’d like some help making up a playlist of short documentaries and matches from various promotions and would love some help in doing so.
I have very little experience with Wrestling myself (I’ve been a die-hard fan for… 6 days now), and I figure more seasoned fans amongst you could help me out.
I’m looking to fill about 4 hours of play time. Currently I’m planning on showing :
– Wrestling isn’t Wrestling. a 30-minute youtube video that explains how awesome wrestling is through explaining a decade of HHH storyline. It’s a great video, if you haven’t seen it, I recommend it, it’s super fun.
– Lucha Underground – January 14, 2015. I love this episode so much. It shows off a bunch of different styles, in an amazing first match. The main event was also amazing and sets up Cage as a hell of a heel.
So I’m looking for another 2 or 3 hours of content. Matches or documentaries are both great. Any recommendation?
You’ll want some notable promos:
Dusty Rhodes and his “Hard Times” promo
The Steve Austin ECW shoot promo
CM Punk’s Las Vegas promo on John Cena in the early summer of 2011
If you want to show them the most extreme lengths that wrestlers will go to in order to entertain — show ’em Undertaker vs. Mankind’s Hell In A Cell match from 1998.
One of my favorite matches of all time is Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania X-Seven.
That’s just off the top of my head.
I think I want to stay away from the bloodier matches and emphasize on drama (at least, as much as you can in a match or two).
I’ll take a look at your suggestions in the next few days Isaac Sher. I’m excited to do so!
Well, you definitely don’t want the Hell In The Cell match, if you’re veering away from bloody stuff. That’s VERY bloody.
NXT has a good format and showcases colorful, bold characters and decent wrestling. You could do worse than showing an episode of that! They only run an hour or so.
Kevin Owens and John Cena at Elimination Chamber was really good (all of his matches with Cena have been good! But full disclosure, I’m a huge Owens fangirl) and demonstrates good wrestling and how to show off character in the ring. While we’re on Owens, his match vs Finn Balor for the NXT championship at Beast in the East is also really good.
Honestly though, what I did was just get my friends to start watching wrestling with me, and now we’re all hooked! <3
I’m sure you’ll get lots of great recommendations about lots of the good, but some of the bad is just as … err, good.
Check out things like the Jake the Snake/Macho Man/Ultimate Warrior segments, Nick Bockwinkel/Bobby the Brain Heenan promos, the Shawn Michaels/Barbershop segment, the MegaPowers explode backstage on Saturday Night Main Event.
Show em the Montreal screwjob
The Lesnar/Cena/Rollins 3-way from the years Royal Rumble was top-notch wrestling with lots of story, for recent stuff.
“Beyond the Mat” is a lingua franca wrestling documentary not made by an actual wrestling company, and showcases a LOT of the “real-life” stuff that impacts a wrestlers career.
“Wrestling With Shadows” is a neat documentary about the infamous Montreal Screwjob and the events leading up to it, but I don’t know if I’d use that for an introductory viewing party.