A doubt. #1001questions <3
Hara (Oracle) wants to enter in Fae’s house of pleasure .
She must across a group of Fairies.
The NAME of Monica (ghost).
(In a previously scene Monica scared them and Hara own a debt on Monica)
Dice roll result 10.
(When you drop the name of someone who owes you a Debt, roll with their Faction. On a hit, their name carries weight and gives you an opening or opportunity. On a 10+, you keep the Debt and mark their Faction. On 7-9, you have to cash in the Debt. On a miss, erase the Debt and brace yourself.)
They for a moment are again scared and allow to enter.
Have we played right?
Or was a moment for persuade or distract?
And can a PG uses a debt owned on the night faction to affect the wild faction?
PS sorry for my english. ^^
Simone Micucci (Monica)
Sounds like you did it right, after all the name gives you an opening, right? Monica used the opening to gain access to the club.
The Faction of the Debt being used has no bearing on the move, it’s the person’s name that matters.
Hala (oracle) own a Debt with Monica (spectre).
In a previous scene Monica scares a gang of fairy people.
Now Hala (Monica isn’t in the scene) wants to enter in Fae’s house of pleasure, and that gang is in front of her..
Hala DROP SOMEONE’S NAME. The NAME of Monica (ghost).
1) Hala should roll +Night (Monica’s faction) or +Wild (Gang’s faction)?
2) With with 7-9 the Debt owned by Hala is cashed in? Why? Monica didn’t know that Hala use her name for scared that folks.
3) This fiction sounds me like a “persuade an NPC” through threats. Why is a Drop Someone’s Name, instead?
I don’t know the answer to question 1 off the top of my head.
2) The assumption seems to be that word will get back to the original debtor (Monica) eventually. It might not be instantaneously, but the gossip will catch up to her and she’ll know someone has been using her reputation.
3) The difference is in who is scary. “Persuade an NPC” with threats is relying on personal charisma. Drop A Name is wielding someone else’s reputation. Sometimes there is more than one way to do thing: just like a wizard could attack someone with a spell or attack someone with a shotgun with different rules being used (spell rules, vs standard unleash rules)
Charlie Collins has the right of it with their responses. As for the Faction you roll, you always roll the Faction of the person whose name you’re dropping.