I read this and immediately thought Apocalypse World setting.

I read this and immediately thought Apocalypse World setting.

I read this and immediately thought Apocalypse World setting. Ask the players which row of the strip their character relates to the most.

They are all really good, but especially row 6:

/ When the world ends / the seas will boil,

and the skies will turn to ash / in the lungs of everyone

who isn’t safe / in your arms.

alt = “unbaptized by your kisses.”

The PC’s are linked by a common lover. Maybe the only people that survived the immediate apocalypse were also connected to that person, or tribes centered around their own Prophetic Loves

Questions during character building/early play:

Who is/was the Lover?

Who is/was the Lover to YOU?

Who else survived? Why? How?

Was this really all it was?

Maybe reskin some of the bonds questions to match. Or offer additional ones that anyone can take, relating to the Lover.

Comic from the ever wonderful http://asofterworld.com/

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