


The kickstarter for the World Wide Wrestling RPG launched just before last years Summerslam. I clicked “go live”, went to Justin Hunt ‘s place for a rad cookout and Summerslam party, watched John Cena get suplexed 16 times, and came home to find the thing already well on the way to funding. It was a great day.

Without the success of the Kickstarter, there’s no way this game would have gone on to get into so many people’s hands and on so many gamers tables. In a very real way, Summerslam marks the birth of WWWRPG.

Happy birthday, WWWRPG! To celebrate, please feel free to take 20% off all WWWRPG stuff in my online store! Use code YEARONE at checkout. The promotion runs over the weekend and I’ll be posting more publicly about it later, but this is a headsup for my FAVORITE WRESTLING FANS!

One thought on “Psst.”

  1. Oh, and please do share with anyone you think would be interested! I know a lot of you already have the game in one form or another, but as always word of mouth is my best marketing.

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