I’m going to have a 5-day vacation from 9/19/2015 to 9/23/2015 (note I live in Japan, so that’s sort of like…

I’m going to have a 5-day vacation from 9/19/2015 to 9/23/2015 (note I live in Japan, so that’s sort of like…

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

I’m going to have a 5-day vacation from 9/19/2015 to 9/23/2015 (note I live in Japan, so that’s sort of like 9/18/2015 to 9/22/2015 for Americans)

I plan to run some one-shots on that week as part of playtesting for a game-concept of mine and getting ready for the October Virtuacon.

The Systems I will be running are:

Monster of the Week – Scenario: You and your friends are a team of monster hunters based around the one of you who wields a relic that was created for the participation in an ancient tournament. There are four other wielders with their own allies. The winner of the tournament is charged with sealing an ancient beast into its seal for the next 60 years and also gets a magical boon.

Fate Accelerated (Divine Blood setting) – Scenario: The recently reincarnated and middle-school aged Amaterasu is missing, find her before something horrible happens. Pre-Gens exist but are optional. Unusued pre-gens will possibly be used as NPCs.

GUMSHOE (Divine Blood setting) – Scenario: The cousin of one of the characters has gone missing from Toledo in the 1920s and the characters all volunteer to help track him down. The scenario is based around the Pre-Gens, to work as expected, 6 players would be needed, but we can fix that by allowing more Investigative points to characters in the case of fewer players.

Just a Game (Fate Core and possibly Powered by the Apocalypse rule sets) – The premise of Just a Game is people stuck in their MMO, the playtest packet is available on DrivethruRPG. Exact scenario undetermined yet. Virtuacon is set to use the Fate Core rules but I also want a playtest of my own for the PbtA rules. (I will probably use that as my major RPG project next year)


These will be done via Google+ Hangouts and broadcast on my youtube channel.

No other info on this yet.