Newbie community member! I wanted to share this here in hopes of more input.
Originally shared by Mark Delsing
Help me put together a team of monster hunters drawn from popular media
I was thinking about the Spell-Slinger from Monster of the Week on the train to work this morning, and how its inspiration was Harry Dresden. That, in turn, made me think about the archetypes for the other playbooks, and how it might be cool to do a one-shot where you create a team of cross-universe all-stars to fight some uber Big Bad.
So far I was thinking:
• Harry Dresden (Spell-Slinger)
• Buffy Summers (Chosen)
…but I need two more, three at most.
Candidates I have been considering include: Blade, Mulder and/or Scully, and Hellboy.
The goal is to create a well-rounded team that allows the players to indulge in crossover fanfic genre celebration. That means that no two members can be from he same media property. I also may veto candidates from properties with which I am not familiar, since I need to do chargen.
I also want to make sure there is at least one more female character on the team.
Frankenstein’s Monster?
Velma Dinkley (Expert)
Dean Winchester (The Wronged)
A modern League of Extraordinary Gentlemen!
Jared Rascher Oh hot damn but Lincoln is a freaking great idea.
And, hey, Constantine is Vertigo, which is different enough for me.
I always felt like Castiel from Supernatural was the most iconic fit of The Divine. Ichabod Crane (Sleepy Hollow) for the Exile? One of the Lone Gunmen from X-Files are my first go to for examples of The Flake.
Meddling Kid could be Nancy Drew, to up the female quota (and possibly a little more iconic, although I loved the Three Investigators personally).
Taniyama Mai – The Sidekick/The Mundane (Ghost Hunt)
Saber – The Divine/The Exile (Fate Stay/Night)
Helen Magnus – The Expert (Sanctuary)
Col Samantha Carter – The Action Scientist (Stargate SG-1…yes, I’m aware that’s two Amanda Tapping roles..that would be hilarious)
Sheriff Jack Carter – The Professional (Eureka)
Rally Vincent – The Hard Case/The Professional/The Big Game Hunter (Gunsmith Cats…criminals count as big game, right?)
Randy Wallace – The Monstrous (She-Wolf if London)
Arthur “Artie” Nielson – The Flake/The Expert (Warehouse 13)
Ayane Anno – The Wronged (ninja whose master was killed)/ The Luchador (current champion of her world’s UFC/WWE/Streetfighter tourney mix) The Changeling (we’ve been shown she’s not as human as she thinks she is) (Gold Digger)
Gina Diggers – The Action Scientist (yeah second GD character)
T-800 – The Created (Terminator)
Ysabeau/Beth Dennis – The Changeling (Lost Girl)
Luke Green Wow, I only know two of the sources you cited (Terminator and Lost Girl).
Gold Digger is a comic by an American mangaka that started with a pair of sisters (an Indiana Jones/Reed Richards/Velma Dinkley mix in a blonde bombshell and her adopted sister the last were cheetah) and sort of blew up from there it is a serious gender blender that references stuff from all over pop culture. It ranges from rather raunchy silliness to some outright heart rending scenes.
Fate/Stay-Night is an anime rendition of a visual novel game set in a rather sprawling setting that is rather more horrific in places than the WoD. The characters of individual storylines tend toward the noble people stuck in horrible situations. The older rendition that works toward the Fate ending is kinda blah as it doesn’t deal with the complexities behind the supernatural well. For good intros to the setting look for the most recent adaptation by UFOtable marked as Fate/Stay-Night Unlimited Blade Works (There is also a UBW movie from some years back same ending and storyline as the most recent series adaptation but compressed to about two hours). UFOTable also did an anime version of the novel prequel to the original game dealing the previous Grail War (Fate/Zero) it is also awesome. Hulu has both the new F/SN and Fate/Zero.
Ghost Hunt is an absolutely brilliant supernatural investigation anime based on some Japanese novels. The first three-episode story is fairly slow and makes you think you’re getting Ghost Hunters the anime. But it serves mostly as the History/how the team met sequence and then things ramp up. There is a SAVE edition if the full series for $19 and you might be able to find it streamed. Hulu used to have the full series.
Gunsmith Cats deals with an English/Indian (Asia) woman living in Chicago where she owns a gunshop and works as a bounty hunter. It was mostly a manga which ended in a bad way. There is a good three episode anime that was released on video a couple of decades ago.
Sanctuary is a syfy series from when they were still doing awesome series about a secret organization that sought to protect the nonhuman population of the world as well as put a stop to dangerous supernatural creatures when they showed up. Had an immortal scientist, a werewolf techie, a Sasquatch butler and a sort of conspiracy theorist ex FBI profiler there was also a woman badass. The first season was the scientist’s daughter but the second was an American-Indian (Asia again) named Kate Freelander who is a show in for the crooked.
Eureka and Warehouse 13 are also syfy series, slightly goofier. Shared universe. Eureka is a town where all the greatest scientists play their trade to produce stuff that can be slowly leaked out to the public very much against Reed Richards is useless. Warehouse 13 is an organization that goes around searching out anomalous items that no one understands and are thus dangerous and locking then up in the warehouse. Eureka personal have appeared to do upgrades to the warehouse at least once.
She-Wolf of London is a very low budget tongue in cheek 80s monster of the week thing with a mythology professor and his student who get into the occult after she gets infected with lycanthropy. Hard to find these days.
Stargate SG-1 is a space opera dealing with gates that link different planets in the universe and the secret Air Force unit that explores them. Samantha Carter is noted as the namer of the “Remenber when you blew up a sun?” Trope.
Trying to remember what else I mentioned.
Ah. That’s it.
Forgot the Fate/Stay Night premise.
There’s a magical ritual referred to as “The Grail War” where seven magi each summon the spirit of hero of legend (usually from the past) and compete across a city the last surviving magus and servant win the cup and get a wish. At least, that’s how it’s supposed to work on theory. It’s never gone very clean. F/SN is the fifth Grail War happening ten years after the Fourth. (Usually they’re separated by about sixty years).
Slight spoiler. Using Saber as your Exile/Divine gives you the singular ability to have a female King Arthur on your party. Given Dresden’s the current custodian of his Excalibur…and Saber/Arturia shares a lot of traits with Murphy…rather hilarious.
Sorry for the wall of text I’m worse about advertising my favorite series than I am about advertising my own.
Mention tends to trigger rant mode.
Though now you have me thinking about how to do various characters in MotW.
Here are some examples….
Marshal Raylan Givens (Justified) – The Professional
Desmond Miles (Assassin’s Creed) – The Initiate.
Kenzi (Lost Girls) – The Crooked
Sam Merlot (True Blood) – The Monstrous (shapeshifter)
John Taylor (The Nightside) – The Spooky
Chandler Smythe (G vs E) – The Divine
Bobby (Supernatural) – The Expert
and a few more…
Martha Jones (Doctor Who / UNIT) – The Professional
Jack Hodgins (Bones) – The Flake
Dean Venture (Venture Brothers) – The Mundane
Bigby Wolf (Fabletown) – The Monstrous
Damian Wayne (League of Assassins/DC) – The Intiate
Michael Weston (Burn Notice) – The Crooked
Jack Bauer (24) – The Wronged