Okay, this is the Prep Page for the one-shot I plan to run Wednesday 23rd – Slot 2 – 11am to 4pm (Japanese time zone)
I know the time will be difficult for Americans since it is in the middle of the week and flat in the middle of the night, but there’s not much choice without moving a different game.
For those interested in North America it’d be:
Tuesday, September 22, at 8:00:00 PM (Mountain time)
Tuesday, September 22, at 10:00:00 PM (Eastern time – New York)
Tuesday, September 22, at 7:00:00 PM (Western time – Seattle)
oh right, subtract then flip…I was adding then flipping in my head….
A bit late depending but not all that bad really if there’s anyone interested
Yeah, I had ended up thinking that was 1am to 6am Tuesday (Central) because I added and flipped instead of subtracted and flipped.
Real Central would be 9pm to 2am