So my brother’s Shadowrun campaign has been stretched past his planned completion due to work schedules and such, so…

So my brother’s Shadowrun campaign has been stretched past his planned completion due to work schedules and such, so…

So my brother’s Shadowrun campaign has been stretched past his planned completion due to work schedules and such, so I’m still prepping for my MotW campaign.

Since they originally said they wanted something like X-Com I’ve done up a list of 100 prefixes and 100 suffixes with which to create random operation names similar to X-Com Enemy Within.

For further fun I’ve attached situational complications to each prefix and a significant person, place or group to each suffix as ways to add a bit of extra color to my plans.

The first session is set to be Operation Subtle Mason.

The base idea is that magical/temporal fluctuations going on have brought a nest of stirges into the area which are just about to hatch.

The location is this abandoned mining town that was left sitting since the 80’s after financial situations shut it down. (Based on a real life Canadian town).

The players are going to be sent to investigate the location for “reasons” (one of the troubles they selected for the M-Com agency is cryptic missions but the agency has good intel.)

I was originally going to have the trouble just starting with mysterious attacks and caretakers of the property being put comatose by stirge attacks, Then I rolled the operation name and looked at the situation and person the name indicated.

Subtle – the situation has been engineered.

Mason – a visionary of some sort is involved.

Recently, the Canadian ghost town I’m basing this on was purchased by a entrepreneur who wants to use it for some reason. There’s my visionary.

And I figure M-Com wants the site for its isolation and presence at the site of a temporal/dimensional anomaly. So the anomaly was deliberately tweaked to bring something over which would cause enough problem for the entrepreneur to be pressured into selling and leaving the organization with a new base including facilities and living quarters in good condition.

So the players are getting sent to investigate before the trouble has happened now.

Now all we have to do is get past these last couple of Shadowrun missions.

3 thoughts on “So my brother’s Shadowrun campaign has been stretched past his planned completion due to work schedules and such, so…”

  1. So I rolled up 22 more operations and I now have something of a shape to my nascent myth arch. And the elements I came up with for the missions can be most added around any developing situation.

    I already figured on temporal/dimensional issues a la Primeval or Urban Arcana (d20 modern urban fantasy) because my brother wants to bring an exile on board eventually.

    Should be fun.

  2. I love wacky Operation THING SOMETHING names. We are go for Operation DYNAMITE PRINCESS!

    Here’s a hint for closing out a Shadowrun campaign: overplan for everything, abandon the plan in favor of running a van into the building until the GM gets frustrated and freeze-frames the game. Worked for us! 🙂

  3. we want to eventually come back to it, just he’s running out of steam a bit…we’re closing out with an underworld race (we’re protecting a friend and sabotaging some opposition) as payment for freeing said friend from the yakuza (the yakuza were a bit miffed with us)

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