I really hope that this means either a DVD set or a streaming deal for Season 1 comes out as well, because I want to binge watch the shit out of this show through a legal channel ASAP.
I really hope that this means either a DVD set or a streaming deal for Season 1 comes out as well, because I want to binge watch the shit out of this show through a legal channel ASAP.
https://twitter.com/luchaelrey/status/646085205581697024Comments are closed.
Best news ever
I shall endeavor to attend a taping!
Patrick Hume oh man, you totally should. They sound really fun.
I guess the deal is they tape all the wrestling back-to-back all day, and they shoot all the vignette’s separately and edit it all together over the course of the season. So the live audience doesn’t necessarily see the surrounding storyline stuff. On the other hand, they do have to trim the matches down for TV, so the live matches have more stuff in them!
Sadly I live in South Florida so too far away for the tappings. Love the show though