Well it took forever to do, but here is my revamped Guardian Jedi playbook.

Well it took forever to do, but here is my revamped Guardian Jedi playbook.

Well it took forever to do, but here is my revamped Guardian Jedi playbook. Now that I have this out of the way I can use it as a template for the other revamped playbooks for Star Wars. I still need to come up with all of the dark side moves, and the racial moves, but one step at a time. 


5 thoughts on “Well it took forever to do, but here is my revamped Guardian Jedi playbook.”

  1. So I have a question on this play book and would like feedback on it. Do you think that I should make it so that if Guardian has a force (or dark force) hold that they should get a 12+ advance option with their moves?

    This would be to further encourage calling on the force, since there is some risk of failing and calling on the dark side. 

  2. I think that calling on either aspect of the Force should be as attractive as you can absolutely make it. Part of being Force aware is being able to mitigate one’s reliance on the Force, and the fact that those regularly calling on it are Scary Fucking Badasses is a big part of why it’s so difficult to control one’s Force use.

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