Finally got around to finishing my first draft for the homebrew gimmicks I worked on (Dirty Player, Looker, Superheavyweight). I’ll be working on another batch of gimmicks (Foreigner [One move allows for cheap heat twice in one night]), Risk Taker (Think Hardcore mixed with High Flyer), Striker [has a move where they can roll +real instead of +work when striking, making a painful noise without causing damage, or injuring himself or his opponent if botched] and Tag-Team Specialist [Works like a Jobber with “Jobber to the Stars” in singles matches, but has moves that lets his team mate roll with the Specialist’s high work when performing team moves]). I also wanted to work on some more Hardcore rules like a Philly Crowd (re-roll on botches and +10 to see if there is any other effect) and Blading (+10 looks great, 7-9 looks fine, botch can hurt your overall performance, result in an injury, or was too obvious)
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