6 thoughts on “WWWRPG but the Wrestlers are Gundams?”

  1. Any anime with a tournament arc could be hacked in. Yu Yu Hakasho, Dragonball, Gundam, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Prince of Tennis. It would be very interesting to see those hacks.

  2. Peter Bothwick there are 2 problems there I think. 

    #1 A tournament isn’t scripted but the Script is an important aspect of WWWRPG (I think) so you need to include at least that and that will change the way the story/fiction feel.

    #2 Not all of them can be as awesomely narrated as actual people fighting. Talking about Yu-Gi-Oh, i could imagine describing a game of magic in an abstract and cool way for maybe 2 matches but after that you will get repetitive I fear. 

    Pokemon however are an awesome idea… 

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