The Tainted’s demonic jobs section references what the Tainted can cash in a Debt with the Patron for, and “their Faction” is referenced. This confuses me: isn’t the Tainted’s Patron a Demon? Isn’t their Faction always going to be Wild?
“Answer a question (honestly) about their Faction; Introduce you to a powerful member of their Faction”
By default, yep they’re Wild. But there’s nothing saying that NPC’s can’t change Factions like protagonists can.
Demons often have histories of changing sides.
Thor’s mother is a giant. Momotarou got a bunch of oni to promise never to be evil again. Kishimi-Jo (I think that’s right) was a demon that used to kidnap children to feed hers until she was shown the horror of a parent missing a child and became a protector of children instead. Judeo-Christian devils were former angels and some myths purport that especially holy people are gifted with the ability to command demons and angels (purportedly that’s how Solomon got the Temple of Jerusalem built originally: teams of angels and demons. And also why some of the big demonology bits have his name on them. God supposedly granted him dominion over the supernatural.)
Then you get into fiction and get heroic demons and half demons such as Etrigan, Ghost Rider II (not one), Dante and so on.
I’ve written Morrigan Aensland from the Darkstalkers as a somewhat reckless, easily bored creature who doesn’t mean harm but doesn’t understand the ramifications of what she does. BUT had her take the treaties between her people and mortal realms very seriously and thus is offended when one of her subjects is breaking them. (Same story had another character compare her to a twitchy, adrenaline junkie field agent that had suddenly been plopped into command and was totally lost without realizing they had no idea how to operate)
Thanks for the response.