OK so I wanna run a western game and I think I’ll need to do some hacking to work it. Anyone got any class ideas or ideas of how to hack certain things? when I’m done I’ll share it all
OK so I wanna run a western game and I think I’ll need to do some hacking to work it.
OK so I wanna run a western game and I think I’ll need to do some hacking to work it.
I know somewhere there is a list of all the apocalypse world hacks and i’m sure there must allready be a western hack that you could use. Where you thinking a straight western or Motw in a western setting?
MoTW as a western definately
I think the moves can stay the same, you’ll just have to tweak certian points of fiction. And wording in moves that use modern equipement like the internet. If you can come up with a western alternative allow it, if not veto.
Yeah some of the classes will need an overhaul I think. Like anything with an assault rifle…
Apocalypse West
Though in a lot of ways AW straight up is pretty much a western.
Ah I’ll definitely look into that and nick some elements. The weapons tags might be worth a look
I think most playbooks would only need a tweak to their gear and i think the basic moves could be completely untouched.
I agree with Alex, I don’t think there’s a ton of work that needs to be done. Might be best to just jump in with a group without changing a thing and tweak on the fly as you go through the scenario.
To be honest with my group if I do that they are gonna try and argue for waaaaay too much power. I’ll need to have a tweaked version ready before they see it. At least an alpha
Give them the power. I think Aw is flexible enough to bend with their min maxing etc. Other than completely ignoring what your playbook says i can’t see how you over power in Motw. Let them fight a fallen angel or some 10000 year old demon and its army. If they are that bad ass they deserve a epic opponent!
Nah trust me its not like that. Its like picking a playbook that isn’t about ass kicking them complaining when they get their ass kicked by trained soldiers type thing.
If I give them what they want there won’t be any differences. Just several identically powered demigods having no challenge ever
I feel so lucky not to have had to deal with that. I can see that making you want to pull your own hair out as a GM.
Meh they aren’t so bad if given structure. Hence why I want this to be a finished thing I can show them rather than opening a can if worms