We’ll have a full actual play episode (or two!) of Masks up before the end of the year, but I wanted to share our opening action sequence before the end of the Kickstarter!
Enjoy listening to the adventures of The Young Heralds: Remembrance (The Doomed), The Wicked (The Delinquent), Bounder (The Nova), and Brick House (The Bull)!
Originally shared by Fandible
You’ve seen the Hero Selfies. The sidebar recommendation on the website. The awesome Kickstarter page. Now listen to a sample of our Masks actual play!
Considering I found Masks through the Fandible podcast, this is a nice suprise that I’m super excited to listen to! Considering I found Fandible through the Kickstarter for Planet Mercenary, I feel I’ve come full circle.
Just finished listening. That was amazing, enjoyable, and quite a rush! Always a pleasure to listen to the five of you have fun.
Quick question for Fandible: When you played Dungeon World, all of you seemed to agree that as an action game, it just didn’t seem to fit for your group. Do you think Masks worked better and if so, would you play it again?
Questions for the G+ at large (Or at least, those who listened to the podcast): When the Bull used Punch Everybody Out to shift his labels, that should have been a lasting shift, right? Until something else shifted it back, at least.
When the Nova gathered power, and rolled a 7, that should have meant he got 3 Burn as well as a condition, because he still got a hit, right?
I’m cheating the system in that I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, but I know the answers.
When you shift labels, it’s always permanent. So Punch Everyone has a specific entry requirement, but when the label shift happens, it’s for keeps: you’re solidifying your self-image that you’re one dangerous individual. I think the only thing to watch as an almost-exception is The Janus with the Gameface move, which is still technically a permanent label shift, but has a second shift built-in when you take the mask off again. I guess it’d stay permanent if you just lived in your mask forever from that point on.
And for the Nova, totally still get Burn on a 7-9. A lot of the moves in the game have that same formatting: a hit (meaning everything 7+) gets you X result; on a 7-9, get Y extra complication on top of it. Which isn’t as clear as a straight “10+ you get 3 Burn; 7-9 you get 3 Burn and mark a Condition”, but it has the same intent.
Camden Jenkins Love that you’ve come full circle
We’ll have a full post-mortem on the game at the end of the full recording, but in summary, the feelings towards Masks were much more positive than they were towards Dungeon World. I think I had the best experience, as this game hits a lot of sweet spots for me in terms of genre/setting and balancing emotional beats with action (though, this being Fandible, there was waaaaaay more action than emotional beats. There may be ways for me to better balance that in the future, now that I know the characters), but everyone had things they really enjoyed here, which I don’t think we could say about DW.
Angela Craft Having played neither system, I may be talking out of my tuckas, but my impression of DW was that it was grafting DnD onto PbtA. Since many of your crew had played DnD before, they had certain expectations of how things worked that weren’t carried through by DW. Masks, on the other hand, isn’t based on a given system, allowing people to accept it for what it is rather than what it is built on. But I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’ve been starving for more Masks liveplays for ideas and inspirations. Fandible has been a great source of new games and inspiring play, so I can’t wait to hear your full game!