From the Tainted playbook, What would the “daily release” mean? Maybe it’s because English is not my native language, but I’m struggling with the concept.
From the Tainted playbook, What would the “daily release” mean?
From the Tainted playbook, What would the “daily release” mean?
It’s how you unwind, release stress, relax, give into your vices, etc.
That was my guess, thanks!
One more query: do characters mark faction with any interaction (regardless of moves being used), or only when a move says so? I know I’ve already read it somewhere, but I’m having a hard time finding the specifics…
It’s on the Basic Moves sheet under the move Advancement. Some moves do specify this as well, but they’re the exceptions to the rule.
Thanks again, Andrew. Since it’s my first time running the game, I’m finding the amount of things to keep an eye on/track of still kind of overwhelming. Luckily, it gets easier with practice.
Great game, btw.