I am looking to acquire a copy of AW and I see it is out of print.

I am looking to acquire a copy of AW and I see it is out of print.

I am looking to acquire a copy of AW and I see it is out of print. Are there any plans for a reprinting? Also as for acquiring the PDFs is there a good way to do so? I see that they are sold via pay hip but not sure if this is a trusted site or if the monies get back to V Baker or not

4 thoughts on “I am looking to acquire a copy of AW and I see it is out of print.”

  1. The 2nd Edition will be available in the new year, yes.

    When you buy from Payhip, the money goes straight to me, less their very reasonable and well-earned fraction.

    If you want an alternative to Payhip, let me suggest http://games-onboard.com . You’ll be supporting a cool new PDF retailer.


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