So, I’ve been playing this game for months, and I have a peeve about momentum.
Because matches generate momentum more than they drain it, and because many 7-9 results are “+1 momentum”, there’s a lot less failure in WWWRPG than in other PbtA games. Often I’ve seen a 6 moved into a 7, so the result of a move was fictionally: you do your thing adequately, rules wise nothing happens.
We know most wrestlers don’t mess up multiple times a match (unless they’re Sabu), but is there a way to make misses a more common part of gameplay?
One idea is tracking “natural” failures as the GM and leading them to more plot complications, but I feel empowered to do these things anyway as part of my “Celebrate and Challenge” agenda.
I have generally found that having more misses does not add much to the story or gameplay. In the last match Professor Atomo had with Joey Crak I was much more concerned about the fact that I was burning through momentum and he had a near infinite supply, because ultimately he would be able to burn that momentum not only to affect the outcome of the match but also to insert himself into the narrative elsewhere in the program. However if it matters for your group, you might also consider raising the cost for adding to a die roll to a 2:1 ratio.
I like intimidating others with my star power momentum making.
Will I break kayfabe? Will I heel wun? Or will I just lose in grace?
That is really the point of the Golden Boy. They get momentum and use it for more screen time, which they use for more momentum.
Capping momentum is possible.
What about not allowing momentum to be used on doubles? 3 of 6 possible doubles result in a botch and 2 of 6 would be a full success. I don’t know how the math works bottom that seems like a natural way to increase misses. It still leaves players with a glut of momentum to spend.
I like it, Justin. When are you gonna run another potato chip season?
Winter is coming…
Or, Momentum is one-to-one except for Botches, where you have to spend all you have to go to mixed.
Doesn’t change much for people who don’t accumulate much, makes it a big choice for those who do have a big stack, and makes the Announcer power much more valuable!