I am looking for some videos of apocalypse world play sessions, in particular first session. Any suggestions please? Any other advice for someone looking at running their first game of AW?
I am looking for some videos of apocalypse world play sessions, in particular first session.
I am looking for some videos of apocalypse world play sessions, in particular first session.
The roll20 one with Adam Koebel and co. is pretty good, I guess. It’s on YouTube.
Paging Richard Rogers
The if you search youtube for “How we roll apocalypse world” you get an intro session MCed by Vincent Baker that is pretty useful. Lots of insight for me on how different things interrelate. It raises more questions for me but it explained how he wants the moves to work and play to proceed which gave me a good starting point.
I’ve got a couple Apocalypse World games on my YouTube channel.
One run by Adam Robichaud:
One I ran:
Thank you all very much
This is part one of the videos that Patrick Scaffido mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NcanVthL8A
They also have a three-parter of Vincent running Dogs in the Vineyard too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_sg_nk9Ul4