I realize this is one of the main inquiries on everyone’s lips, but I didn’t find an answer to this with the “search’ function. Is Dark Streets still on track for a release in 2015? Are you thinking more November or more December? Once it’s released to KS backers, how long until it finds its way to DTRPG?
I’m thinking of starting a game in NYC. It’d be ideal to have the supplement before starting that, but I don’t think I can wait that long. Still curious, though!
And congrats on getting the US book in stores! It sure looks nice there on the bookshelves. I’ll post a pic when I’m next in a store.
I think the pdf may be done by the end of the year, but the printed book will likely be early 2016. +Mark Diaz Truman is point on this project though. NYC will be divided up into 5 burrough guides, which is awesome.
Thanks, +Andrew Medeiros! Is there a delay between releasing the PDF to KS backers and putting it up on DTRPG?
Andrew Medeiros has it right! I’m on the road now, but the rest of Nov/Dec will be dedicated to getting Dark Streets out on PDF, with print to follow in early 2016. We usually send our PDFs to DTRPG a week or so after it goes to backers!
Mark Diaz Truman Thanks for the info!