While I love the playbooks and their appearance, they are very color-heavy for printing. The front cover of each one uses up an insane amount of black. Any chance we can get a printer-friendly version of the playbooks with less color being used on them?
While I love the playbooks and their appearance, they are very color-heavy for printing.
While I love the playbooks and their appearance, they are very color-heavy for printing.
I’ll talk to Aaron about a wireframe version. That probably won’t be for a while though because he’s busy with the main book layout at the moment.
Honestly it’s the front part that’s the hardest on the printer, only because it’s in silhouette. Inverting the colors on that part alone would solve everything.
So excited about the game, though! One thought: how much has changed from the current online version and the one you’re laying out right now (rules-wise, of course)? Do the playbooks have any move changes or anything? I’m thinking of starting a campaign soon.
By “the current online version” do you mean v0.2 (still on Ardens.org) or v0.6 (the last version I mailed to backers)?
There have been no design changes since v0.6, but there were a lot between v0.2 and v0.6.
The there are a couple of errors on the current playbooks which will be fixed in the final book, but nothing has changed as such.
The backer version. I have the 0.6 sheets and rules.