My game has gone through a few revisions. I no longer am going to be doing Alternative History which means I just needed to research what was. I will be opening the game up to applicants after my Thanksgiving week. Welcome to Urban Shadows: Mexico City!
Currently just accepting feedback for the homebrew, but I have a skeletal structure for applicants and characters to build on for when I get back from visiting family. I hope this game still excites people even without the alternative history. Game should be open to applications on Saturday the 28th.
Please note: Even with my homebrew I LOVE the main 10 archetypes. Seriously, the Veteran is probably my favorite archetype, period. Don’t feel you need to pander to me just because I am MC. Tell me my homebrew sucks and needs revised. Tell me it rocks but you won’t use it. Just play!
Really excited to see you setting a game in Mexico City!
Mexico City is just way too vibrant and delightful not to use. I’m psyched to learn more and hope to do it a justice.
That looks very cool! I love the structure you’ve made with the holidays for the various factions, something I hadn’t considered before. I remain a big fan of the Monger and will be checking back to see the other homebrews when I get a chance!
How much posting are you wanting for people to make for this? I’d love to apply to join in, but don’t want to fill a slot if you’re looking for someone with more availability than I have!
I am looking for people able to post once every 3-5 days. I myself have clinical depression and make no excuses for when I have to take breaks.
I would love for you to apply. Since pbp offers such intimate and written information I will be accepting 6-7 players. This way if I have drops I can just keep going and really expand Mexico City’s borders.
Alright! I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t planned to be one of those ridiculously rapid multiple times a day games. It’s great that you’re structuring it such that people can weave it into their regular life and take the breaks they need to have for themselves.
I’ll definitely send in an application! I’ve done some play by post ages ago (and more recently as supplement to ongoing live games) but I was just thinking I’d love to get involved in it again and to play some Urban Shadows in a role other than the MC!
Not going to lie to you, since posting my question, I’ve been just coming up with characters that would be fun in Mexico City. It hadn’t even occurred to me to not set Urban Shadows in the United States (as an American myself) and now I’m just swimming in possibilities.
I can’t wait to see them!
I am American myself so plenty of research will go into the entire thing. As you can see I will be playing with the factions a bit. I am looking forward to Saturday.
I’ve just got to whittle down the list! Though I’m tempted to just throw a handful of concepts that are very interesting to me and see what catches other people’s interests.
The way the factions are set up look very cool, I’m still devouring some of the content as I’m supposed to be working on other things!
When you have time feel free. I don’t want to push you into a locked set but I might be able to say which could fit the tone.
I will definitely do that!
Game is now open to character ideas. Woo! WOO! GET DOWN TO MEXICO!
Alright, here are the things I’m playing with in my mind…
Telenovela Star (Emotion Vampire, Tainted, or maybe even Fae) that uses his position to get what he wants.
Little shop near the big focused apartment with a Monger that sells and buys dreams, largely to tourists for spirit journeys, but additionally to help people Inception others.
Werewolf Psychologist who is attempting to balance his anger management practice with the fact that his Lobo is getting stronger and stronger.
What do you think? What fits well?
Oooh, I love the first and second idea. I have already summed up a specific Clan of Vampires, but you could definitely play out an emotion sucking vampire or other kind of being (I love an idea of a Tainted who turns talent into ruin as a job for their patron) and I have the current set up of the ruling Faerie Court up. Though, if a Vampire, it might not mesh well.
The Monger would be perfect. My Monger playtester instead shot for a Maenad instead. The Dreammonger would be delightful and a great addition to the Power Faction. Madre Hermano would absolutely adore you, and you’d be very well tied in to another NPC I made who you might not see coming. Plus, if the Power Faction decides to ruin a life, they’ll be buying your worst nightmares period. You could tie in the Telenovela star idea with this, maybe have them work part time as a “writer” of scripts where s/he actually sells dreams they have purchased which are just sappy or dramatic enough to make compelling twists.
Your Wolf is a lot more what I see my Night Faction as being. The Night Faction is traditionalist yet progressive. They want Mexico City to grow, so they have more prey and power. Someone trying to control the anger in wolves and other patients would be grand, and is a tactic I didn’t even think of myself. But it’d be perfect fodder for the ruling generalissimo of the Night Faction to be “Your client, I want her to kill her husband and for it to go public to take the light off the crime we’re going to commit.”
Oh man, I’m going to combine some of these things… About to app Narciso Panfilo-Sastre, Dreammonger who has captured the romantic spirit of so many in order to fortify his position as a telenovela star. He takes advantage of the sappy, dramatic dreams in order to more fully embody them and sells things only to his very dear friends who do him favors.
How else could he get to where he is from such humble beginnings?