Thinking of starting a Dresden Files Game – usually I would use the rather great Dresden Files RPG, but I am very…

Thinking of starting a Dresden Files Game – usually I would use the rather great Dresden Files RPG, but I am very…

Thinking of starting a Dresden Files Game – usually I would use the rather great Dresden Files RPG, but I am very very curious if Urban Shadows would work. What do you guys think I would need to adapt – playbooks? Fractions?

7 thoughts on “Thinking of starting a Dresden Files Game – usually I would use the rather great Dresden Files RPG, but I am very…”

  1. We have played quite a few games of Dresden using Urban Shadows and it works brilliantly. We have found that the earlier versions of the play books and moves work better though.

  2. The problem is that DF is Harry and his amazing friends and so the RPG leans heavily to a group of NPCs working together as a unit. US is very different. It’s more like having a game with Harry, Lara Raith, Mort Lindquist and a non alpha Wolfpack. (But lower power level)

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