Hey there all! I’m looking to run a game via hangouts, starting in the new year. Probably set in Washington, DC, but I’m open to alternatives. All standard playbooks are allowed, plus the limited edition ones (Immortal, Dragon, etc). I’m an MC that strongly believes in letting the characters drive the fiction, so I’m hesitant to give more details until I know what people are looking for and what playbooks are being used.
Figure either Friday or Saturday Eastern Time. Looking for five players at the most, but willing to run with as little as three. If you are interested, let me know in the comments below and we can maybe lay some groundwork in advance.
I’m interested as well! I love the new book!
I’m interested. Oh, and I have been working on an Urban Shadows City guide for Washington DC that I could share if you are interested.
Dan Luxenberg absolutely!
Here it is. I’m missing the second threat and countdown clocks for both threats, but as it is a work in progress… https://docs.google.com/document/d/11K0vZjpytd6AAxmH-WFYTjpjrBtc7k0C_g5RkvuyMlc/edit?usp=sharing
I’m also interested, and live in the DC area. (Research potential ;))
I think I’d be down for this, though I don’t have the new book. I’d probably want to play an Aware or a Veteran, maybe a Tainted.
ken davidson I’d be looking to run a late game, starting around 9:00 pm and running to about midnight my time.
D’oh, 9-midnight doesn’t work for me alas. Ah well.
I can do this. I’d prefer Friday but Saturday is definitely workable.
On second thought, the timeframe may work for me depending on the specific day. My problem involves committing a block of time every week. I can’t guarantee that I’m free every fri or sat night.
Not looking to do every Friday (my wife would kill me), but can be reasonably flexible with people’s schedules. I’m also willing for players to miss a game here and there, and we’d work around the absence.
I’m in then!!
I have no idea if I am getting ahead of myself (probably am) but here are the two ideas I’ve worked on:
Tainted – Imogene Volk, The Intern of Yog-Sothoth
A “mild-mannered” political aide who uses her connection to government to hide cultist locales and gather up contracts for the All-In-One who empowers her.
Wolf – Imram Nakir, Rakshasa of the Suburbs
Using the Wolf Archetype to represent the transformative nature of the Rakshasa. Imram is a young man who has gained the power of an ancient hindu being and is just cocky enough to think he has the control to levy over his domain.
If we’re throwing out ideas…I was thinking of a Veteran who used to be / still kinda is a demonologist. He used to summon and bind demons/ things for those who could afford it, but now regrets his past and ( until drawn back into the game) now runs a small rare book store in Georgetown.
NihilisticWhim I like the Tainted idea a bit better. I almost think your Rakhasha idea would be better played as a Fae.
Dan Luxenberg I like that idea a lot, actually. Lots of potential for getting dragged back into the fray.
In case you missed it, everyone who posted should have received an invite for a new community just for this game.
Got the invite. Thanks! I definitely can’t to every Friday. I have a game every other Friday. I would be able to do Saturday though I think. I’d like to play the wolf if I could.