Hi folks! I’m running Urban Shadows at my store tonight, and there might be some walk-ins that are new to the Apocalypse world engine. I was wondering if there’s a player aid available for the basic, faction, debt, and drama moves?
Hi folks!
Hi folks!
None that I know of.
If you have purchased the pdf, drivethrurpg has a basic moves sheet available for download and print. But that’s as much as I’ve found. Will keep looking and report back.
I’m a retailer, so I have the PDF through bits and mortar, but the playbooks and moves sheet aren’t there.
Hmm… That’s definitely problematic. Magpie Games, any ideas?
Oh crud, I didn’t realize that’s what you needed. Send me an email and I’ll get those to you. Pheylorn at G mail dot com
How did your event go, Melissa? Good turn out? Played well? More people excited about the game?
I had to turn 4 people away (if only we had another GM!), and sold copies of the book. A+ event.
Sounds like a great success. Did you ever get a copy of the sheets?
Yes, my brother in law was a kickstarter supporter and leant them to me. Everything came out great!