I’m looking to arrange on online play test session (using Roll20) for my 17th century monster hunting PbtA game…

I’m looking to arrange on online play test session (using Roll20) for my 17th century monster hunting PbtA game…

I’m looking to arrange on online play test session (using Roll20) for my 17th century monster hunting PbtA game Malleus. No specific date has been nailed down. I have created a poll using doodle.com to arrange a suitable date and time. Anyone who is interested, please go to this link: http://doodle.com/poll/3d4ek6v3q5q7hk2f

The current draft of the rules is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-1pBGGjbu6uEgeTUK8Pgrmi7evjKFtx6ya4RU3TYKk8/edit?usp=sharing

7 thoughts on “I’m looking to arrange on online play test session (using Roll20) for my 17th century monster hunting PbtA game…”

  1. I love Faith/Corruption, but “consumed by the Darkness” is possibly my least favorite trope in all of tabletop RPGs. Don’t force the player to give up their character. Becoming Corrupted should be the trigger for terrible things to happen, not a copout.

  2. It depends where everyone else is a bit. I am free during the daytime many days, at the moment. That means I can happily start in the morning here, which would be evening in the US. 

    (I’m currently GMT +11)

  3. I have no idea if I’ll manage to chisel out the time to help with playtesting, but I’ve got to say I really like the idea of this game. (Of course, usually all someone has to say is “17th century monster hunters” and I’m sold…) 🙂

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