I made a game called BLACK TEETH on my phone as I walked in the rain. Please, play it with your friends, just once, not for long, just long enough to get it. Take a look.
I made a game called BLACK TEETH on my phone as I walked in the rain.
I made a game called BLACK TEETH on my phone as I walked in the rain.
>>I made a game … on my phone as I walked in the rain.
I have to try it!
Thank you. This is meaningful.
Do you mind reshares?
Fucking OWWW
And yet well written. This is totally payable
Caitlynn Belle Not at all, the game is completely free.
Thank you for all the comments so far guys.
That is a beautiful piece of work.
Wow! Every game should teach something like this one. Respect.
Nice! Heartbreaking but nice!
Hi there. I was really excited when i found this game. So, i made translation and pdf. Hope you enjoy.
An evocative addition to the PbtA family: great work
Thank you everyone! I will make a longer reply when I’m back from sea!
Captain Buran Thank you! I love it. Tell me if you ever play it.
Hi Tony Ferron I’d love to translate it in Italian language and share it for free. Would you mind?
I’m sorry for the late reply! I work away at sea.
Yes, please translate it.
Thanks Tony, I’ll translate it ASAP
Please give me a link when you do. Thank you.
I’m pretty busy right now. I hope to get it done soon