Starting a game of UW next week.

Starting a game of UW next week.

Starting a game of UW next week. We’ve played some DW, a lot of Pathfinder, 5e, etc. It’s going to be a Star Wars themed universe, but one of our players wants to play a cleric/mystic type; think the Shepherd from Firefly. I started putting together a career path for it, but was wondering if someone else had something simliar, better or playtested? Not sure if I’m just missing potential options that already exist in game or good 3rd party resources. I’m open to any options anyone has, I’ll throw them all in front of the player and let him decide.

Here’s what I had started putting together. If it sounds a lot like a Jedi, I was trying to merge Jedi/Mystic/Cleric into one career.