Dark Streets / LE Playbooks Update – Jan 2015
Hey folks!
Since we get so many questions about Dark Streets and the LE Playbooks in this community (the archives aren’t really that searchable), he’s an official (pinned) update on these projects:
Dark Streets – We’re currently working through the City Guides and LE playbooks for the book. We plan on including the cities listed in the Kickstarter and The Vessel, The Revenant, The Scholar, and The Hallowed, along with a few essays about expanding the game in interesting ways. The depth of rules editing here has been substantial (we want to make sure everything really, really works), but we expect to have production news in the next month or so.
Other LE Playbooks – If you’re looking for LE playbooks that aren’t going to be in Dark Streets (The Dragon, The Immortal, The Angel, etc) stay tuned for more information. We’re likely to release those as standalone products when they are finished, sometime after Dark Streets is published.
Thanks for the update!
I would have preferred to be able to buy them all in one sitting, but I am still glad to see this!
Any new updates? D:
Not yet! Still working. We’ll post when we have some new info. Thanks!
Well, thank you for the answer.
At Dreamation I laid eyes upon Mark Richardson’s maps for Dark Streets and it got me really excited. Can’t wait to hear more about that book as time goes on.
What’s the status for March?
Still grinding! We are actually going to release a bunch of new GM stuff for the main game tomorrow, then full sheets for the new playbooks. We’ll keep you posted!
Maaaaark… Tomorrow was two days ago. Just cause you and the rest of the crew are in the home-strech of a million-bajillion dollar kickstarter for some silly pirate game doesn’t mean you can neglect those of us that prefer vampire biker gangs and demon mobsters.
You are my people!
We’ll get it out ASAP.
Damn, just got my standard edition hardcover book before I noticed this post :p
New GM sheets look pretty great. Can’t wait to see Dark Streets.
End of March so it’s about time for an update on Dark Streets – communication is your friend here
We’ll have an update out at the beginning of April. In short, things are moving, but slower than we would like. Look for the playbooks first (early in the month) and hopefully the text will come together shortly after that. Lots of moving pieces here so it’s hard to pin down a deadline.
Soon then hopefully?
We should have an update soon. Nearly all the pieces are in, but things take time. Thanks for your patience!
Sounds exciting, thank you guys for keeping us in the know about things as they happen. Keep being awesome
Mark Diaz Truman Is there a newer version of the Immortal playbook that needs playtesting?
As we start a new US campaign and wanted to play an Immortal this would be easily possible 
Max Külshammer – No, we’ve been focused on the core four for Dark Streets. We’ll start on the new Immortal right after we get Dark Streets done!
End of April approaches fast. Time for another update please.
We’re grinding away on the pieces from our contributors and finalizing the last of the supplementary text for the playbooks. I think we’ll have an official update in early May. Thanks!
I hope we’re going to see the full book soon, but if not, it would be really really cool if we got a preview of another city guide to tide us over. I’ll selfishly suggest London, since that’s where the game I started today is set.
Personally, I’d like to selfishly suggest somewhere in North America, where I daresay most games are set. As the Brit John Lennon said: “If I’d lived in Roman times, I’d have lived in Rome. Where else? Today America is the Roman Empire and New York is Rome itself.”
Previews will definitely be forthcoming!
London if it is ready!
As KS backers saw previews for the LE playbooks during the kickstarter, can we expect to get them through the KS or will we need to purchase the LE playbooks separately?
Totally part of the KS! As of now, everything we have planned for US will go to backers first for free, then on to everyone else.
Yeah, I was just about to pop-back after seeing “and all digital stretchgoals” as part of my pledge. Anyhoo, looking forward to the finalized versions. Had a dragon in my campaign and it worked out pretty well.
Awesome. One thing we’re doing with the new playbooks is really pushing how strong they are. We want each of them to stand up next to the originals.
Mark Diaz Truman any news on DS?
Mark Diaz Truman What’s the latest on Dark Streets? Any chance of a preview city guide for backers?
Hey folks! Sorry for the delay. We’re still hard at work, but no fixed dates for when things will hit shelves. We should have an update soon with a bunch of new city guides and some finalized playbooks soon.
Cool. Thanks Mark & gang.
So any news?
Just release the new playbooks already. It’s been long enough.
Agreed, I have been putting off all pending Urban Shadows games until new material is released. Which gives me time to work on my own PBTA game.
Any updates?
We’ve sent two of our three final essays off to copy editing and finished up our final playtest on our last playbook. Soon!
Can’t wait to play more US. I’m eager to learn more about city environments and how best to utilize them. It has been a great influence on the game I’m developing about powers and prices.
We are going to start a new Urban Shadow campaign on the 26th of November. Is there any hope that we might have access to the PDF version of the book (and thus the new playbooks) by then? Anyways, i am still super excited for your ideas how make cities “feel alive”.
Yes! Everything is at copy editing, so we are just waiting for it to come back.
My apologies for asking, but is Dark Streets out? I recently purchased the game and am trying to get my group to give it a try. But if a new version, or new additional playbooks, are available or about to be released, maybe I will wait until I have everything. I am assuming the PDF will be available for general purchase and is not just for Kickstarter participants.
We’re in the final stages of layout. We expect to release the PDF later this month to backers, but it will be another few weeks until we have print copies.
PDF for backers and print copies weeks later, but what about PDF for non-backers? What about the PDF for general purchase?
We’ll have the PDF up for general purchase as soon as it’s finalized. We like to give our backers the first look, but we’ll have it up for sale on DTRPG soon!
Any chance soon is defined as on or before the 29th of December (My Birthday), because that would be awesome
And we’ve released a copy of Dark Streets to backers! We should have it up on DTRPG early next year.
That is good news! A very nice christmas present indeed. I hope you all had a nice holiday after you finished this.
My buddies and I started playing urban shadows, can’t wait for Dark Streets to be available on DTRPG so we can use it!
Any word yet on a day we can throw money at Magpie?
We’re in proofing now, so I’d expect to see it up on DTRPG by the end of the month!
Awesomeness! How does one become a backer?
Ron McNiel You don’t. You just have to wait.
Ron McNiel You would of had to back the kickstarter which was a few years ago
I wish I would have known about this back then
I’m looking to start my first game next week. Would you recommend delaying it until after Dark Streets? If the new rules and new archetypes are substantial and hard to incorporate later on that would be a bummer, since i’m planning on running a longer game. We would only get 1-2 sessions in until the end of the month and maybe some players would rather play one of the new archetypes then.
Tim Schaufert Hey. I was waiting for someone to reply to you, but it seems like no one has. Personally, I would strongly recommend not delaying your game until after Dark Streets. Delays are very common with Magpie Games, so I wouldn’t plan on Dark Streets until mid-February at the absolute earliest, possibly June-July at the latest. If you’re looking to get started sooner, I’d just go for it.
I also was waiting to see who all was going to reply. I suggest starting now and just incorporating Dark Streets at a later time, that’s what I’m doing.
Still good for end of month?
Yup! I think we will have it processed around the end of the month (barring problems with proofing). Please start your campaigns now! Dark Streets can always be integrated later.
going to be available at drivethru at the same time as Magpie’s website? Be available this week?
We’ve had a short delay for some proofing stuff, but we’ll have it out soon, soon, soon. It will go up on DTRPG before it goes up on our website because we only do print stuff through our webstore.
Will the standalone playbooks be available to non-backers?
That is a good question
I’ve been waiting for dark streets to come out for about 14 months now. I hardly believe it will ever actually be released. It was supposed to already be out by January of last year
Alexander Permann – Yup! They will be available as downloads from DTRPG.
Andrew Hinkebein – While we’re sorry to keep you waiting… we’re almost there! It will be out on DTRPG as soon as we can turn around the proofing notes.
Could we see the book by early next week. I am moving and will not have internet at my new apartment for a bit
I would like to give a short heads up to the crew behind Urban Shadows. We have another game going tonight and I am totally looking forward to this. Thanks for making this really cool game. We are enjoying it greatly!
Sometimes it is easy to forget that you all do this in your free-time (i assume) and things just get delayed sometimes. Just be assured, I will buy Dark Street the second it enters DTRPG
Is there any chance we can get a time frame for how far out from Dark Streets that we can expect the other playbooks? I’ve honestly avoided getting into the game until now because I’m waiting for the Angel and Immortal.
What Factions do the Revenant and Angel belong to?
Expecting to release this week?
Mark Diaz Truman Oof, I need Dark Streets so bad. So many questions I’m hoping it answers. Just picked up a soft-cover copy of Urban Shadows at Mox Boarding House, and looking to start a campaign in the next few days- I really hope Dark Streets is up by then!
I’m so excited to see the Immortal and Dragon someday!
Someone needs to make a screen shot of Chrono Trigger game over with a Dark Streets book and “The Future refused to change”
Looking forward to it!
Mark Diaz Truman Are we going to need to wait for the Kickstarter to be over for magpie to have the bandwidth to finish this?
James Friery – Wait for the Kickstarter to be over?
Dark Streets will be available on DTRPG on Tuesday, March 21st. It’s been available to backers for about a week now, and we’re touching up the last few proofing changes that folks have caught before releasing it widely. Thanks for your patience!
The KS for The Watch, since Andrew is involved in it. Very glad to hear that the date for the release has been set. I am a huge fan of both OWoD and ChoD, but at this point in my life want much more lightweight rulesets to work with, and Urban Shadows seems like a good fit for me
Mark Diaz Truman i think you mean March 21
Dearly hoping we can see The Immortal, Dragon, and Angel sooner, rather than later.
My refresh button is a tortured little thing. Take pity on it oh great and mighty DrivethruRPG, don’t make me mash it anymore
And it’s live:
drivethrurpg.com – Dark Streets
Thank you all again for your patience. We’re really excited about the final book!
And now for the reading of the readables. BOOKS UP!