Masks PBP Call in Volume 2: Bwahahaha!

Masks PBP Call in Volume 2: Bwahahaha!

Masks PBP Call in Volume 2: Bwahahaha!

Okay, playing these villains has been infuriating to me because they have made the right rolls at the right times with just enough of the wrong ones to stay interesting. So, basically, I suffer but I have enjoyed it. This was the first official team mission I based off of many of the troped “villains snatch something from a gala event” style thing to make the guys break into a nice formal event with a new emerald that can obviously power a super laser.

On the way there they blackmail a Tony-Starkesque businessman, defeat two heroines, and then make a surprise entrance that sent people running and the rest of the heroes on edge. They then demolished them in a nasty fashion before heading out. Kudos definitely to our Transformed who just plowed through people and our Beacon who discovered his courage.

Next up: Cape Convention Capers!