The rule book suggests that you might want to give supernatural NPCs certain kinds of protections or vulnerabilities…

The rule book suggests that you might want to give supernatural NPCs certain kinds of protections or vulnerabilities…

The rule book suggests that you might want to give supernatural NPCs certain kinds of protections or vulnerabilities in keeping with the lore (e.g., vampires getting armor vs. mundane attacks, but taking extra damage from fire or blessed attacks). For those who have done this: Did you extend the same protections/vulnerabilities to your PCs of the same species?

One thought on “The rule book suggests that you might want to give supernatural NPCs certain kinds of protections or vulnerabilities…”

  1. If there’s a PC of that creature type, I let them lead the way in establishing lore. If I really want to have NPCs with a certain style, I’ll make them a different sub-type. For example, if I have a PC vampire who’s a smooth operator from an ancient bloodline, other human-passing vamps will probably be like her. But if I want vamp antagonists with a different power set, I’d introduce a twisted, Nosferatu-esque strain of vampires. That let’s me mix things up a bit and keep the PCs living dangerously.

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