Recently ran another play test sessions of Malleus, the 17th century monster hunting game I am working on. I’ve since made a few changes and have been working on a draft playbook layout. Here is the first playbook, for the Inspired. I would love to get some feedback (the art is placeholder).
The current draft of the full rules is here:
May I say that I love you?
After a great AW campain, I was not sure which game to propose to my gaming table.
Then I wondered if MOTW could be tweaked easely in another age.
Volsung J.O. There is a fair bit of inspiration from MotW in there. Also a lot of Urban Shadows, in terms of how the basic moves are worded, and some of the GM moves.
I would be really interested in how the game works out with someone else running it. If you do try it out, please let me know how it goes.
Well, I skimmed quickly through your current draft, but it shines like faith in the dark. I love the added corruption mechanic.
I depend on my players taste and whims. But if your game is the lucky one, you’ll know it asap.
Looks really neat! Was aiming to get MotW on the table this year, but maybe this instead…
Made some small layout changes (which I think have a good effect), and did up a playbook for the Mystic.
I like the playbook layout, although I’m not a huge fan of the trifold in general. And I’m very excited about the project! I too tried to tweak MotW into a period game, but Malleus is pretty much exactly what I was shooting for.
Great minds think alike.
The playbooks for all the archetypes, along with a basic moves reference is here: