3 thoughts on “How well would Monster of the Week work for a game with a GM but only a single player?”

  1. I could see it working.  I personally would give them an ally (pg 119) to give yourself and the player some wiggle room what stuff can be done (provided you’re not doing Cabin In the Woods type stuff). 

    Wronged (Dean WInchester) Ally (a fellow hunter)

    Spell Slinger (Dresden) Ally Butters

    Spooky (Jon Taylor) Ally Shot Gun Suzie

    Monstrous (Angel) Ally (Cordie)

    Initiate (Aegis_Kai_Doru) Ally (local hunter)

    Professional (Mulder) Ally (Local LEO)

    You have to factor in that they’re on their own.  This definitely can up the tension for rolls because everything can hang on single roll.  However you have to be aware of the danger of death spirals if you front load overly large negative consequences to failures in the beginning of the scenario.   Things shouldn’t be too dangerous until they have a real grasp of the mystery and then things can get Real, real fast. 

  2. Yes, you’d definitely want them to have a network to rely on, and to add some drama. Nothing else need change, really.

    Maybe tone down the recommended monster stats a bit, too.

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