So dice shaming is this totally odd Internet habit that seems almost exclusively apply to dnd type players. Since failure is awesome in pbta, what we should do the opposite and celebrate bad rolls and their awesomeness on the net. What should this habit be called?
So dice shaming is this totally odd Internet habit that seems almost exclusively apply to dnd type players.
So dice shaming is this totally odd Internet habit that seems almost exclusively apply to dnd type players.
You owe me a beer GM.
Cascadeval! (From “cascade failure” and “Carneval”.)
The Epic Miss – when it’s so bad it’s good again.
on a 6-, I’ll often look at the GM and say “You’re Welcome”
Meguey Baker, as an mc, my favorite times for epic misses is when it’s terrible for someone else.
I get giddy when the big miss happens. Both as a player and MC.
In our groups on, we have a player named Dani who’s famous for her -6 rolls. So whenever anyone else rolls -6, we call it “Dani-ing up the board.”
Going forward, sideways.