So Immorten Joe was a Waterbearer before he became what he was Meguey Baker?
So Immorten Joe was a Waterbearer before he became what he was Meguey Baker?
So Immorten Joe was a Waterbearer before he became what he was Meguey Baker?
So Immorten Joe was a Waterbearer before he became what he was Meguey Baker?
So Immorten Joe was a Waterbearer before he became what he was Meguey Baker?
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What makes you think he’s not still The Waterbearer?
Because he retired from play and became the Hardholder / Maestro’d instead
Because Immortan Joe is NOT a PC.
He’s not a Waterbearerm he is not an Hardolder or a Faceless. He is a Treath.
If one thinks that a slaver and rapist could ever qualify as a PC, I don’t want to play with them. Ever.
In Mad Max: Fury Road Immortan Joe is obviously a Threat, narratively speaking. A Warlord, probably. Nonetheless, I can’t see why an Immortanjoesque character should be forbidden, as long as nobody at the table finds them disturbing. I mean, slavery and rape are not worse per se than shooting someone in the face.
On one hand, they are “worse” in their lasting effect.
On the other hand, they’re hardly part of the heroic reaction: heroes use violence as a reaction and in an amount limited to the immediate need.
Slavery is continued violence, rape is not violence meant to stop anyone from harming you, it’s taking initiative to harm someone else.
The “brides” (oh, the hypocrisy) are not a threat to Immortan Joe: they are preventively subdued. Joe is the one starting the violence chain.
We’ve had this talk already, folks. IJ is not a PC:
It’s an interesting discussion but I didn’t find any arguments particularly compelled such an absolute, holds-in-all-cases conclusion.
My initial post was not to create contention folks! As Meguey linked, we discussed IJ’s PC status when the film came out.
However, I like to look at past Hx of characters, and if IJ had been a character before he morphed into his iteration in the film, I think the Waterbearer is a good fit.
Its established in the rules that if you get sick of playing a character or they evolve into something you don’t want to play then retiring them is a given option. They then become the MC’s purview, if given IJ as an NPC, then he is most obviously a potential for creating unstable triangles.
Nathan Roberts, huh. Take a playbook and a threat type and push the one till it becomes the other, thereby making a threat type with parts to follow and etc that are really cohesive. Clearly it’s a post-1st Session thing, so it comes out of what the players have built. Could be neat.
Yeah I’ve been doing this subconsciously for ages. The threat types are quite easily ‘ex-pcs’. I mean, there may only be one HARDHOLDER, but I’m sure there used to be the Hardholder (with their coteries of other PC types in tow)that is now the Warlord and gang of Brutes.
Its yours and Vx’s love of Ars Magica troupe play shining through to every onion layer of the game. Its neat, and excellent and totally seductive – I REALLY want a player to consciously push their character so hard that they eventually can’t bear to play them anymore and thus ‘gift’ them to me as the MC as a threat.
Meguey Baker
This idea of “threats as corrupted PCs” is worth exploring… Maybe for a whole new game.
You could also look at the nursing-mothers becoming Waterbearers after Joe is overthrown.
Good call, Sebastian!