Is there a way to link files in this group that everyone could access? I was thinking it would be cool to have a place where people could share their character sheets and ship sheets and in a sense build a library of pregens (or npcs)
Sean Gomes
Is there a way to link files in this group that everyone could access?
Is there a way to link files in this group that everyone could access? I was thinking it would be cool to have a place where people could share their character sheets and ship sheets and in a sense build a library of pregens (or npcs)
Sean Gomes
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Via a shared folder in Google Drives?
Well. I know in Facebook there is a file sharing system and it works really well. I don’t use g+ that much so I’m not that familiar with it
Chalice In Chains Interesting. I didn’t know Facebook had that. Google Drive is probably the easiest, IMO
G+ does not have such a feature. A shared Google Drive folder is a good idea, though.
I’m still hoping for a good quickstart PDF with all the character gen options on it – Origins, Careers, and relevant Upgrades. Hint hint
Aaron Griffin yeah. Drive seems like the way to go. You any good with Adobe or photoshop? You could probably just take the appropriate pages from the pdf and put them in the order that works for you.
I’m not a visual dude at all. I plan on putting text in a doc the way I’d want it presented, but it might need a pass from a layout guy