Apps: Mates, Dates & Spooky Fates

Apps: Mates, Dates & Spooky Fates

Apps: Mates, Dates & Spooky Fates

Group Mind access requested…

Originally shared by James Mullen

I’m thinking of adding another Seer Playbook who would be a kind of urban sorcerer, using graffiti as the source of her magic; these are the moves I’ve got so far:

You get this one:

Tag:  when you tag a public space, roll+fear. On a 10+, both; on a 7-9, choose one; on a miss, neither. When you tag a public space for the first time, take -1 cold. Design your tag on another sheet of paper and tell the MC where your first three tags are located.

o   It doesn’t take you too long to get it just right.

o   You don’t draw attention while you work.

Then choose one:

Infamy: take +1 ongoing when you are in sight of one of your tags.

Portal: touch one of your tags and take +1 cold to move instantly to any other public space with your tag.

Eyes on the Streets: when you use your tags as your eyes, roll+sight. On a hit, you can see through them as if you were there; on a 7-9, take +1 cold.

Facade: take +1 armour when you are in sight of one of your tags.

Magic Image: when you tag a public space, choose a move from another seer’s playbook; you can make that move as long as you are touching that tag.

It doesn’t feel like I’ve really hit the nail on the head though: are the moves powerful enough to compensate for the fact that making them is tied to the locations you’ve tagged? Do they say ‘magic’ to you?