Hey all. Haven’t seen anything posted here on the Kult: Divinity Lost kickstarter yet. This reboot of the ’90s Swedish horror RPG is apparently a heavily modified AW hack.
I’ve always loved Kult since the first edition, mainly for its amazing setting and hellraiser-esque aesthetic. But the rules always felt a little clunky, and so hearing that it is being brought back as PbtA game (or at least heavily inspired by) is really exciting to me.
I’d recommend checking it out if you like dark occult horror.
Be sure to look at the changes they’ve said they’re making to the system. It seems to be moving very far from the Apocalypse World approach.
Yeah, it seems to be inspired by rather than directly powered by the apocalypse
but I’d be backing it whatever the rule system. I’m just doubly excited that they’re drawing inspiration from AW