Quick combat drone question: If a Driver is controlling a drone in combat, would the drone use the Driver’s Meat to Mix It Up or Synth as if he was in a vehicle and using Second Skin?
It feels like Synth would be used in that case but I could not find it specified anywhere.
From a GM standpoint, I would use Synth because there’s no meat to control the drone, there’s cyberware and the mind.
I’d assume that drones count as “when jacked in to a cyberlinked vehicle”. I see no reason to distinguish between manned and unmanned vehicles when Second Skin is all about remote-controlling them.
Yes, where it says “car” in second skin, read vehicle (including drones).
Thanks guys. Kinda what I figured.
Hamish Cameron
That said, most of the Second Skin aspects include stuff like adding the car’s power or looks to the roll. Drones don’t have either stat (I seem to recall they did in early drafts), so I guess you treat them as zero for the purposes of Second Skin?
Yep. The fictional justification is control systems lag, but mechanically it’s a balance issue too.