14 thoughts on “I just updated the file on DTRPG with a second PDF of playbooks.”

  1. I asked Aaron to work on the black on white version first because I want to get the process of PoD proofing underway. That version will be more print friendly, but there will be a black and white version after that that uses even less ink on things like example boxes.

  2. Yes, move sheets will be included with the MC sheets.

    A reminder that the draft MC sheets (including a move sheet) are in a recent Kickstarter update (which should be visible to anyone). They’re not laid out at all, but comments on potential content is welcome.

  3. These sheets are so nice. It’s not cyberpunk without some hexagons so this is fantastic! 

    Also anyone needing move sheets to tide them by until official ones are printed : there is a post down there with a link to home made game aids 😀

  4. Chalice In Chains it will be a couple of weeks at least. Layout needs to be finished, then I need to order, receive through the post, and check proof copies.

  5. Chalice In Chains There are so many variables, but I’ll post here when the various subsidiary steps happen. Step one is finishing the black on white (colour) version, then I’ll look at ordering proofs.

  6. Whoo nice to have some sheets. I’ve been looking into a lot of systems lately and PBTA stuff has been really appealing. Thank you, Hamish Cameron​ for making the cyberpunk game I wanted after I first read Neuromancer and Count Zero and wondered what the fuck Turner got up to before he was where he was.

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