DIE and DIE, a Souls series DW hack, version 1.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-KIiMJjCiezODFrMmVJTWI0cEE/view?usp=sharingDIE and DIE, a Souls series DW hack, version 1.
DIE and DIE, a Souls series DW hack, version 1.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-KIiMJjCiezODFrMmVJTWI0cEE/view?usp=sharingComments are closed.
Paragon is a nice idea for going beyond +3. What’s the math on that? Is it equivalent to another +1 or worth more?
Noah Tucker thanks for taking a look! the average moves from about 7 to about 9, I believe, and the roll also includes the +3. its a huge boon but with the limited bonuses available to stats coupled with the rule that one can Paragon in only 1 stat it balances out. And if they put that much effort into it i think theyve earned it.
I’ve been waiting for someone to put together a Souls-like for Apocalypse World. It’ll be a real challenge to mesh the two systems thematically and I’m excited to see how you go about it.
Darrin Michelson haha so was i! challenging for sure, but distilling some basic ideas/concepts has been a good exercise at least
Sub. In my dreams, sooner or later I’ll do my version of something like this Die & Die.
However: what about this:
Slash and Bash
10+: Deal your weapon’s damage against an opponent. You may opt to open yourself to counter-attack to deliver +1d6 Damage or absorb the blow, reducing armor by 1 (breaks at 0)
I can understand the basic ruling taken from DW, but the last part seems “weird”. In short:
– i can do the standard damage, no countermoves from DM
– i can do the standard damage +1d6, but I get a countermove from DM
– i can do the standard damage +1d6, but I ??absorb the blow?? (what blow?) and my armor is damaged?
Is this correct?
Andrea Parducci hey thanks for looking it over!
so in DW one can opt to take damage in turn for dealing extra damage on a 10+. the idea is that one has an extra resource to expend aside from just hp; one may choose to recieve hp damage or armor damage; each clearly has its own long term implications. its about resource management, which is a major theme in Souls games
Ok, clearer now. However, the DW move in the 10+ result say that you can have the +1d6 damage in exchange of an “enemy’s attack”, however this “attack” can be almost everything, maybe just a monster move, maybe a standard GM move. It’s not an automatic “suffer monster’s damage”.
(continue) So, your “extra option” is maybe superfluous, ’cause it’s cover from the GM move “Use up their resources”, ie. damage/destroy their armor.