So you want to turn off the Saveyhead’s brain?
The Savy in our game has an implant on her head that we know acts as some sort of second brain or harddrive and sometimes messes with her head. She asked the Angel for help and they have made a plan. I offered them that they could either build an expensive machine that will help to work the communication between them but it would take time and 8 barter OR
The Angel can shut down the Savy’s brain and manipulate her brain-energy-space to interact directly with the implant and repair the connection there.
They decided on the second option. I feel like this should be a hell of a custom move because it is super risky – even though I am of course a fan of the Angel and he said he could do it.
I think there might be two moves here actually.
#1 How does the Savy react/deal with that. It is that player’s character and I won’t let the Angel roll on a move that might mess up her character.
“When Torres turns of your brain, roll+what?” Hard to endure it? Weird because weird? I am not sure here.
Also I feel like both players should have some impact on what the Angel finds out. It’s a group project after all. Also I don’t know much more about the implant. I could just decide on something and tell them but that doesn’t seem fun.
Maybe something like:
When you fix Lux’s implant, roll+Sharp.
On a 10+ read Lux all three options and ask which one it is not. Choose one from the other 2.
On a 7-9 the same but choose from this list of extra complications in the same manner.
And then offer a list of three cool implants and what they do?
Anyone got any other cool ideas of how to make this a cool thing at the table?
What is it with Savvyheads and brain surgery? This has to be the 5th time I’ve encountered something like this.
One thing we’ve done previously is trigger the characters’ sex moves. Tinkering with someone’s head is really intimate.
You might also look at this: for inspiration
I love situations like this. I’d go something like this, but I’d want more time to consider and maybe balance things:
So Lux, Torres is shutting your brain off. You can feel it happening and there’s a part of you, maybe some gland, terrified of dying that’s giving you this chance to fight. Or maybe it’s your implant. At root though, the question is, how “off” are you willing to go in Torres’ hands? How much power over your brain are you giving her? Choose one: Not at all, I’m backing out now; We gotta do this thing, but I’m holding back a little, keeping my sense of self intact; I’m all in, if Torres wants me as a mindless fuckpuppet it’s all good.
If you chose the first, you wake up screaming, before Torres really got anywhere. If Torres resists letting you up, you can go aggro or whatever.
Otherwise, tell Torres to make her move. If you chose the middle route, you get to pick an option from her list before she picks. But if you chose the most trusting position, tell her to take +1 forward on her roll and she can pick two extra selections from her list.
Torres, you’re shutting down Lux’s brain — rebooting him with one hand in his brain and the other in the psychic maelstrom. As long as he survives the process, take +1 Hx with him. And tell him to take +1 with you, too. Also, roll + your Weird and (+ or -?) Lux’s sharp. On a hit, pick one. On a 10+, pick two:
– Lux doesn’t suffer ongoing complications
– Lux’s implant sees his brain
– Lux’s brain sees his implant
– take +1 ongoing to monkeying with brains
– plant 3-hold puppet strings in Lux’s brain
Christopher, seems to me that if you give one list of 5, the 10+ and 7-9 options should give more choices. 3 and 2, maybe? Another option would be to split the lists between the 3 options related to Lux and the two options related to the Angel, otherwise keeping the move the same but giving one option for the angel list on a hit or 10+ depending on how generous you’re being.
I thought five was good given that Lux could give Torres +2 picks.
Ah, yeah, that works. Sorry, misread the initial move. I like that.
So another thought, is i have trouble imagining terribly separate outcomes from implant sees brain and brain sees implant and in either case it’s sort of not very narratively suggestive to me. Maybe condensing those two into something like “implant and brain communicate with each other efficiently.” Though I’m sure there’s better language I’m not thinking of. And another option along the lines of “[function of implant] improved” instead of the second option.
Also, with 4 options chosen having 6 options might be good, probably another negative option. Like “Lux doesn’t develop a new obsession (ask the MC).”
“Lux’ brain has access to the implant” and “the implant has access to Lux’ brain” are better than my original wording. I think they’re more evocative of what it might look like if only one of the options is taken. And it’s actively asking the players (including the MC) what that looks like. Also, the move is strengthened if it has stuff that is very tempting to Torres that doesn’t fix Lux’ brain. I was originally hoping to have something like eight options and maybe the move grants two or four, but I got tired of thinking about it.