The Galaxy Burns.

The Galaxy Burns.

The Galaxy Burns. War is raging across the galaxy and the destruction is only increasing. The various factions struggle for control and domination of their sectors of space. Their Starships and Mecha rage across the galaxy striking without mercy.

Nobody is spared from the violence. You can fight or you can die. You might die anyway but if you fight you might just stay alive long enough to win. And if you win, maybe you can stop fighting. But for now you jump in the cockpit of your Mecha and blast your way to victory. Are you ready?

Proposed improv game some weekend in April.

You would design your mecha, decide which faction it belongs to and which faction you work for (they could he different). We will go in with nothing more than the premise above and I will ask questions to determine who you are and why you are fighting. We will then play to find out what happens.

Let me know who is interested. (obviously date and time to be decided). 

Design Note: you can have up to 4 tags or upgrades. I would recommend armed (obviously), sealed, plated and boosters but it’s up to you.

27 thoughts on “The Galaxy Burns.”

  1. Justin Phillips I got inspired dude. Been wanting to do a mecha game for a LONG time but never found a system that I really wanted to run it in. Until now…

    Cheers Sean Gomes​ for designing an awesome system that I’m becoming obsessed with.

  2. So, is this going to be available as an actual play via podcast or You Tube?  I’d love to follow along, but I can’t make the time to play right now.

  3. Robert Ruthven​​ I could see it two ways. Class 2 vehicle with the armed and plated upgrades or level 4 with armed, plated, sealed, boosters (space-worthy mecha).

    Land Vehicle Design: Walker

    Class 2 heavy weapon.

    For the purpose of this adventure I was thinking the latter. Make it high powered and high octane

    Does that answer your question?

  4. Chalice In Chains​ Sounds good to me. I work most of the weekend, so I’d only be available Sunday 7:30/8pm GMT, assuming the usual Sunday crew aren’t running anything that weekend.

  5. Robert Ruthven cool man. I usually can only run 7:30 or 8pm Eastern time (unless you fancy a 1am start time) so we might not be able to connect. However, if I ever have a gmt friendly time slot I’ll be sure to post it.

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