Hi all

Hi all

Hi all,

Just got a quick question on a possible typo in the current available pdf. In the Fixer playbook the Protection job you can gain with the Backup move has a disaster but no profit like all other jobs.

This is the case in both the main rulebook and the playbook pdf so not sure if this is intentional. If this job simply doesn’t have a profit then…..what’s its utility? Sure the move provides you with a gang which is nice but when you would want to perform a job that has no option of providing you with a benefit?


14 thoughts on “Hi all”

  1. Cheers Hamish! Sorry I had a quick scan but didn’t see it. I assumed the gang was the benefit yeah. Still what would be benefit of performing that job during hustling between missions? The move provides you with the gang and once you have that why would you do the Protection job instead of the other jobs that provide cred or other benefits?


  2. The timing is a little unclear, it’s true, but think from the fiction first.

    If you don’t maintain your connection with your gang, are they still your gang?

  3. Either way, the thing that’s implicit in the move but which I clearly didn’t articulate well is that a gang are a collection of individual people with individual motivations, not a mindless tool that you wave around as an extension of your will.

  4. What I wrote for my personal translation :

    Backup : you have 1-team and the job Protection.

    Profit : a gang have your back

    Disaster : they pissed of the wrong persons.

    Detail of the gang : (…)

  5. To be fair I haven’t actually got around to playing yet (but I seriously want to) which might explain my confusion. I like the idea of the profit meaning your leadership is undisputed or that you only get the gang if you do protection first…..Something like that.

  6. Oh, and one last suggestion, I think it would be more interresting for the fixer to do the hustling move right after getting the job than between mission. For example, if the current mission seems to be touchy he could call his gang, if he thinks he’s going to need lots of Intel/gear he could choose the right jobs.

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